409 12th St SW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20024
The Professional Practice and Policy department of ACNM has many roles. We are there for midwives with clinical or policy questions, especially around scope of practice. We serve as a resource for anyone interested in becoming a midwife or re-entering midwifery practice. We guide midwives educated abroad who want tp become a US midwife. We work closely with the Clinical Standards & Documents committee to manage the writing, updating and revising of ACNM documents, including position statements, standard setting documents, and clinical bulletins. We represent ACNM in multiple partnerships dedicated to sexual and reproductive health. Professional Practice and Policy partners with Government Affairs to keep midwifery in the spotlight. We want to extend a big thanks to the ACNM volunteers who extend our reach by representing ACNM and midwifery on many national interest groups (see below).
Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM): ACNM has joined the Clinical and Community Advisory Group (CCAG), which will inform the work of the ACOG’s Technical Assistance Center and maintain the quality of content offered by the AIM program. The CCAG consists of representatives from national maternal health organization who will bring unique clinical and community input to AIM via quarterly meetings, review documents and materials, and recommend subject matter experts for resource development and educational offerings. ACNM is proud to continue to participate in this program to improve perinatal outcomes.
United States Preventative Services Task Force: ACNM is a dissemination in implementation partner to the USPSTF. Karen Jefferson, along with volunteer Julie Blumenfeld, attend USPSTF meetings. ACNM comments on draft recommendations and share materials pertinent to midwifery with our members.
An Adaptive Prenatal Intervention to Increase Childhood Vaccinations (ADEPT study): ACNM was invited to participate in the expert advisory board to this study based at Emory University. The goal of the CDC/ADEPT study is to evaluate whether an adaptive intervention to promote childhood vaccines among pregnant individuals leads to age-appropriate vaccinations in their children post-birth. ACNM reviewed and provided feedback on ADEPT prenatal provider survey which was distributed to ACNM and ACOG members. We also reviewed an article based on the survey results that the study team hopes to publish.
Raising the Bar: ACNM was an invited participant in this project led by the National Partnership for Women and Families. This project focused on how health care as a sector could do more to improve health outcomes and equity, in general and specifically regarding maternal health. Over a greater than 2-year span we met with key partners from all sectors of health care, as well as community groups and healthcare consumers. Resources were developed for providers, employers, community partners, and advocates. The guidance that was developed provides a roadmap for healthcare provider institutions to reduce inequities and improve maternal healthcare, experiences, and outcomes.
Maternal Immunization Task Force for Pregnant People: A Call to Action: An ongoing CDC funded project that is now led by ACOG, convenes a bi-monthly immunization task force consisting of key partners including ACNM that develop and carry out strategies for promoting maternal immunizations. ACNM created public facing visual content that continues to be shared through social media and the ACNM website.
Standard Setting Documents
American College of Nurse-Midwives Philosophy of Midwifery
Position Statements
Access to Comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health Care
Climate Change and Maternal, Fetal, and Infant Health
CNM/CM as First Assistant at Surgery
Collaborative Agreement Between CNMs/CMs and Physicians or Other Health Care Providers
Effect of Environmental Toxins on Reproductive and Development Health
Expedited Partner Therapy
Midwifery Care During the Third Stage of Labor
Prevention of Gun Violence
Primary Cesarean Birth by Request
Rural Midwifery Practice – NEW
Shared Decision-Making in Midwifery Care
Ultrasound in Midwifery Practice
Position Statements – Retired
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Prevention of Preterm Labor and Preterm Birth
Standard Nomenclature for Intrapartum Fetal Heart Rate Surveillance
Clinical Bulletins in Progress
ACNM volunteer subject experts are in the process of:
Standard Setting Documents
American College of Nurse-Midwives Philosophy of Midwifery
Position Statements
Access to Comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health Care
Climate Change and Maternal, Fetal, and Infant Health
CNM/CM as First Assistant at Surgery
Collaborative Agreement Between CNMs/CMs and Physicians or Other Health Care Providers
Effect of Environmental Toxins on Reproductive and Development Health
Expedited Partner Therapy
Midwifery Care During the Third Stage of Labor
Prevention of Gun Violence
Primary Cesarean Birth by Request
Rural Midwifery Practice – NEW
Shared Decision-Making in Midwifery Care
Ultrasound in Midwifery Practice
Position Statements – Retired
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Prevention of Preterm Labor and Preterm Birth
Standard Nomenclature for Intrapartum Fetal Heart Rate Surveillance
409 12th St SW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20024