409 12th St SW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20024

Access to Equity in Midwifery Education and Care Project

In 2023, the Access to Equity in Midwifery Education and Care (Equity) project reached several important milestones. The project completed the research portion of the landscape analysis and held a strategic planning meeting. Additionally, the project successfully established relationships with two Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) that showed interest in exploring the possibility of establishing a midwifery education program. The research team, which consisted of Alexis Dunn Amore PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN, Noelene Jeffers PhD, CNM, IBCLC, Jennifer Woo, PhD, CNM, and Lucinda Canty, PhD, CNM, FACNM, presented two sessions at the 68th ACNM Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Furthermore, in partnership with Global25, the steering committee members and other healthcare professionals presented three informational sessions targeting administrators in higher education and community advocates to promote the diversification of the midwifery workforce and developing a holistic birth team.

ACNM has always maintained a commitment to engaging in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) initiatives. Thus, ACNM started the Access to Equity in Midwifery Education and Care project, which was funded by J&J’s Our Race to Health Equity Initiative. The project aimed to advance the understanding of the experiences of students and recent graduates of color, faculty, and preceptors as they navigate midwifery education. Moreover, the project explored the institutional capacity of institutions that cater to marginalized communities to house a midwifery education program.

The lead researchers developed a mixed-method study using focus groups, surveys, and interviews between Fall 2022 and early 2023. The study identified the lack of mentorship for students, the stress of personal financial obligations along with the cost of education, and the lack of formal policies and procedures to address discrimination and racism as the barriers for students to feel safe and continue through their programs.

The results of the study were used to inform a strategic planning session that occurred in March 2023 where the steering committee, ACNM National Office Leadership, and the researchers all gathered to develop a strategic plan. This plan later informed the Equity report’s actionable recommendations that seek to continue pursuing a more equitable and safe experience for midwifery students of color. The recommendations included reestablishing the Midwives of Color Committee (MOCC) mentorship program for student midwives of color, developing the Equity in Midwifery Education Report Card in collaboration with the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education, and developing a leadership fellowship for faculty members who are interested in moving to administrative roles within higher education.

To address the expansion of midwifery education to institutions that prioritize students from marginalized backgrounds, multiple informational sessions were held. These sessions aimed to address the history of midwifery in the US and the importance of diversifying the workforce. The sessions targeted decision-makers in higher education, community advocates, and other healthcare professionals to promote the growth of midwifery through program expansion. Also, these sessions educated advocates on midwives’ scope of practice compared to other maternal health birth workers.

The dissemination of the project included two presentations of the research team at the 68th Annual Meeting & Exhibition and exhibiting during the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2023 Annual Meeting & Expo. A full project report will be presented to membership, community advocates, and partner organizations through ACNM’s communication channels.


Report 2

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